Wednesday, October 6, 2010

Trusted Reconciliations

There have been some important changes in the Trusted Reconciliation processes for bringing in new accounts/changed accounts from some system of record such as an HR system using the Generic Technology Connector or custom reconciliation connectors.

The default mechanism for reconciliations is now a batched reconciliation, this processes many changed records much faster than before but also has some limitations. If you were previously using pre-insert or pre-update entity adapters, these will NOT fire in a batched reconciliation. The GTC in trusted reconciliation uses the batched mode exclusively and I have not yet identified a way to switch it to one-off events. This is important in that if you use pre adapters to calculate or modify certain values on the User form such as login, email address, expiration dates, etc. they won't trigger. You either have to switch these to a post operation which may cause a potential infinite loop condition or avoid batched mode.

If you use the APIs and/or a connector that creates reconciliation records then you have the ability to use a non-batched operation. In this mode, the pre entity adapters DO fire. Additionally pre adapters DO trigger on manual operations through the UI. In order to force a non-batched recon event. You must call the API method processReconciliationEvent after creating and/or finishing your event.

As in:

tcReconciliationOperationsIntf reconObj = Platform.getService(Thor.API.Operations.tcReconciliationOperationsIntf.class);

long rceKey = createReconciliationEvent("Resource Object Name", HashMap of attributes, true);

You also need to close the event with a:
closeReconciliationEvent (rceKey);
or the batch will attempt to redo the linking when it executes. This will cause a failed orchestration task to linger out there.

In the next post, I'll give a concrete example of how to do a pre-modify EventHandler to compute some attributes.

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