Saturday, September 18, 2010

User Defined Attributes and GTC

When creating UDFs for the User form, Don't use spaces in the Name. Instead of Student Expiration Date, use Student_Expiration_Date for example. The GTC seems to have a hard time making the translation to the actual DB column name if you don't. I tried working with the customResource bundles in order to fix this, but no combination I tried seemed to work. I also tried editing the Process using the design console, but that just caused other issues. Only way I could get it to recon properly was with UDFs names without spaces.

If you do this, you will have ugly names on your User forms in the UI. Additionally if you need to localize for other languages, the way to add the localizations is somewhat obscure. You need to locate the IdentityTaskFlow.jar in your ORACLE_HOME/server/apps/oim.ear/admin.war/WEB-INF/lib directory. Inside this jar you will find the various language resource bundles at oracle/iam/identitytaskflow/resources/ and so on.

Extract this file. Add your UDF Names to Localization mappings to the file. The key should be in all lower case to work properly.

For example the above item would be added as:
student_expiration_date=Student Expiration Date

Update the jar and restart the OIM instance. Your UI should now reflect the localized names for your UDF fields!

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